Packing for a Move
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Packing for a Move

Welcome to my website. I’m hoping to provide you with some useful packing tips. My name is Ellen Monday. My family and I moved from a very large home to a large home. My point being, although we still live in a large house, we did downsize. It was almost like packing for two moves because we had belongings going to the new house and some going to storage. We had to make decisions about what we wanted to keep, store and get rid of. I have some tips on how we made those decisions, and the best ways we found to pack. Items that were going into storage were packed differently than those we were moving to the new house. Boxes had to be carefully and clearly marked so we didn’t end up storing our everyday dishes or something tragic like that! Hope you enjoy my blog.


Packing for a Move

Three Ways That A Swim Spa Is Better Than Going To A Public Pool

Aaron Carroll

If you're an avid swimmer, you probably visit a local aquatic center for regular swimming sessions. However, you may reach a point at which you're looking to swim closer to home, and, ideally, in your own backyard. While you might not have the space for a swimming pool, you may be able to fit an in-ground swim spa in your yard. This fixture is designed for you to swim against a current, rather than swim laps in a traditional manner, so it doesn't require nearly as much space as a pool. With a swim spa on your property, you won't have to think about visiting the public pool again. Here are three ways that a swim spa is better than going to the pool.

No Public Change Rooms

One of the things that even frequent swimmers dislike about visiting community pools is having to use the public change rooms. While the issue of other peoples' nudity may bother you, a number of other issues can be at play. For example, if you're a little leery about germs, walking in an area where people with plantar warts, athlete's foot, and other foot conditions are sharing with you can be unsettling. Additionally, some pools' changing areas can have mold and mildew in the showers and may not feel particularly clean. With a swim spa, you have the convenience of getting changed in your house or your yard.

Increased Workout Capabilities

If you enjoy swimming for a set amount of time most days but you find that you must cut your workout short on occasion, you'll appreciate the value of a swim spa. By increasing the pace of the current against which you swim, you're essentially boosting the challenge of the workout and its caloric burn. The harder you swim, the more calories you burn, and this can mean that you burn more calories in the swim spa during a shorter swim than you'd burn during a longer swim at the public pool.

Gentler Water

If you have sensitive skin, you may find that swimming in a public pool irritates your skin because of the amount of chlorine that is used. Private pools, including swim spas, have considerably less exposure to germs, so you can often get away with using less chlorine in your swim spa. Or, if you'd prefer going another route, you could use salt water in your swim spa. Many people find that swim in salt water doesn't irritate their skin nearly as much as chlorinated water.
