Welcome to my website. I’m hoping to provide you with some useful packing tips. My name is Ellen Monday. My family and I moved from a very large home to a large home. My point being, although we still live in a large house, we did downsize. It was almost like packing for two moves because we had belongings going to the new house and some going to storage. We had to make decisions about what we wanted to keep, store and get rid of. I have some tips on how we made those decisions, and the best ways we found to pack. Items that were going into storage were packed differently than those we were moving to the new house. Boxes had to be carefully and clearly marked so we didn’t end up storing our everyday dishes or something tragic like that! Hope you enjoy my blog.
Aaron Carroll
Mold growth in your home can represent a serious health threat to you and your family, as mold spores in the air can cause or aggravate breathing conditions like allergies and asthma. Further, mold growth that is allowed to go on unimpeded for long enough can cause severe structural damage to the material that it is growing on, eventually requiring the replacement of drywall or other organic building supplies. Once you've noticed mold in your home, you should immediately get in touch with a remediation contractor like DiBiaso's Cleaning and Restoration, Inc to have it removed. However, before that happens, there are a few things that you can do to slow the spread of mold throughout your home and expedite the cleaning process.
Identify Areas of Concern
After you've made an appointment with mold remediation experts, the first thing that you should do when you notice that you have mold growth in your home is to determine the extent of the problem. You should walk around your property and locate any and all signs of mold, including staining and discoloration, the presence of moisture, and an earthy, all-permeating smell. Knowing which areas of your home are suffering the most can help the contractors concentrate their remediation efforts for best results.
Seal it Off
Once you've figured out which rooms in your home are suffering from mold problems, you can prevent mold from spreading to other areas of your home by blocking off those affected areas with tarps, plastic barriers, or sheets hung up on the wall to stop the flow of air.
Don't Move Anything
Though it may be tempting to remove items that have no visible signs of mold growth or damage from the area to protect them from further exposure and potential damage, to do so would be counterproductive. You should leave everything in place so that the mold remediation process can properly remove all of the spores in the area: moving items carries the risk of moving spores into another part of your home where they can continue to grow.
Dry the Area Out
Finally, the last thing that you can do to reduce the risk of further mold growth is to take steps to reduce the amount of ambient humidity in the area. Opening windows, running fans, and installing portable dehumidifiers in affected areas can help reduce the amount of moisture in the air and can slow or even prevent additional mold growth before the professionals come in and scrub your property of all spores and growth.